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Tag Meta

Tag Meta is a native extension (component + plugin) available for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5 / 1.7 / 1.6 that allows to efficiently manage all site's meta information. With Tag Meta, as example, it is possible to set the tag 'title' or the meta tags (e.g. from the most common 'description', 'keywords', 'robots', as well as the recently 'content rights' and 'external reference') or link 'canonical' on any page, just specifying the URL or a part of it. This provides a swiss army knife to improve site positioning in SEO optimization. But Tag Meta also supports regular expressions in the matching rules and this allows to match a group of URLs with a single rule. In this way it is possible to manage all metadata from a single control panel.

Multiple rules can be applied together, so if more than a single rule matches with the current URL, these are applied in cascade using the ordering set, except if a rule is declared as ‘last one’ (in this case the process stop).

And that’s not all. Tag Meta comes with support for macros. This means that meta information can be generated dynamically for each page (e.g. there's a fantastic 'autokeywords' and ‘autokeywords2’ macro - Enterprise version only - that allow to extract automatically the most relevant words from a page content).

To allow complex transformations for data to use as meta info there are the placeholders. Placeholders allow you to define a set of values where each value is associated and identified by a name and is used in the definition of other placeholders or in the definition of meta info (practically they are based on the same principle of the variables in programming languages).

With support for link 'canonical' it is possible to specify the preferred version of a set of pages with highly similar content. But there is still other, Tag Meta comes with support for an ontology database of synonyms, that allows to automatically generate and add new synonyms of existing keywords in any page.

The plugin, finally, has some useful options to set custom global information like Generator, Author, Copyright, or to set and align the tag ‘title’ and the meta tag ‘title’ in many ways.

There are two versions of Tag Meta, Community and Enterprise, both released under GPL license. The Community version is completely free, while the Enterprise version has a little subscription fee, but introduces some advanced features. Here's a comparison matrix between Community version and Enterprise version:


FeaturesTag Meta CommunityTag Meta Enterprise
Support for tag 'title' and meta tag 'description', 'author', 'keywords', 'robots', 'content rights', and 'external reference' on each page Yes Yes
Support for Robots options Index, Follow, Snippet, Archive, Odp, and Image Index Yes Yes
Support for link 'canonical' Yes Yes
Support for global meta tag 'generator' Yes Yes
Possibility to add site name to tag 'title' Yes Yes
Possibility to align meta tag 'title' with tag 'title' Yes Yes
Possibility to preserve tag 'title' on each rule from global settings Yes Yes
Support for global meta tag 'author' Yes Yes
Support for global meta tag 'copyright' Yes Yes
Possibility to add a note for each item Yes Yes
Possibility to apply multiple matching rules Yes Yes
Use of regular expressions into matching rules Yes Yes
Case-sensitive option on the matching source URLs Yes Yes
Request only option to match the full URL or just the REQUEST_URI part Yes Yes
Decode URL option to decode URLs before to check if match with rule Yes Yes
Last rule option to break application of matching rule Yes Yes
Support for placeholders Yes Yes
Use of macros to specify meta info (dynamic meta info) Yes (28 macros) Yes (36 macros)
Macro {querydrop} to remove specified variables from the original query No Yes
Macro {querydropfull} to remove specified variables from the original full query No Yes
Macro {pathfrombaseltrim} to cut on left the path without the base part No Yes
Macro {pathfrombasertrim} to cut on right the path without the base part No Yes
Macro {preg_match} for apply regular expressions to full URL No Yes
Macro {preg_select} for apply regular expressions to full URL and use result to query database No Yes
Macro {autokeywords M,N} for automatic generation of keywords No Yes
Macro {autokeywords2 M,N} for automatic generation of two-words keywords No Yes
Ontology database for synonyms with automatic generation of new synonyms from existing keywords Yes Yes
Trace items usage with hits counter and info about last visit Yes Yes
Trace synonyms usage with hits counter and info about last visit Yes Yes
Configurable list of keywords to exclude from auto keywords generation No Yes
Possibility to remove duplicated entries from keywords No Yes
Possibility to remove the 'canonical' link if the page corresponds to the link itself No Yes
Possibility to remove duplicated entries of 'canonical' link No Yes
Possibility to set to a global base path for web site Yes Yes
Safe UTF-8 word count function, for old PCRE versions without UTF-8 support No Yes
REDIRECT mode, to support URL rewrite (e.g. sh404SEF) with Apache and IIS Yes Yes
License GNU Public License GNU Public License
Price Free 9 €
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