This is my problem, Google Webmaster Tools is showing that there are over 4400 pages that return an Error 404, this is a lot.
I have looked at some of the URL strings and many are the result of previous versions of Joomla, and indeed, some previously installed components that have created corrupt URLs. URLs that should not even exist. Unfortunatly these URLs have been cached by Google, perhaps other search engines as well.
I have tried all the other Joomla Redirect Extensions where one can enter the URL to be redirected, and then the URL to redirect to. None of them work and , unfortunately RedDJ did not work either.
I must be doing somethig wrong.
This is my Joomla setup:
Joomla 1.5.10
Joomla 1.5 SEO Patch
Joomla core SEFs enabled in admin and with a .htaccess file server side.
Apache mod_rewrite - enabled in Joomla admin
Add URL suffix - enabled in Joomla admin
All error 404 pages show as per the image I uploaded to this thread.
With over 4400 Error 404s, it would be imposible to redirect all of them one by one, so I need to be able to do some in groups where the corrupt URLs have similar strings.
Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance