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Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names
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ARGOMENTO: Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names

Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names 14 Anni, 9 Mesi fa #1208

  • sepp2010
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
ReDJ ist a truely useful extension for Joomla. It works great for us. So far we have used
it for static redirection. To new features would be an excellent addition

#1: It would be nice if URL Parameters could be preserved. E.g. a redirect
from: /someurl?somedetail=somevalue
to: /someotherurl

should lead to

if "keep url params" is set to true. Alternatively a list of urlparameters could be named
e.g. keep url params=somedetails, someotherdetail

#2: It would be very useful if redirection could be done by article name
from: /someurl
toarticle: somearticle
tourl: automatically retrieved from article name

Please let me know whether you'd like these changes. I might change my own vresion of ReDJ to support these things and could supply the patch here.
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Re:Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names 14 Anni, 9 Mesi fa #1209

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
I'm working on ReDJ 1.4 and there will be two major improvements:

1) The destination URL will be dinamic;
2) There will be an option to choose redirection type between 301, 307 and 200 (I mean that "internal redirect" will be introduced).

About the first feature, the simplest way to do this (I think) is to add "macro" support for the destination URL, where the macro are replaced with some pieces of current source URL. At the moment a good number of macro are supported. Referring to this source url as example:


You can get the following "parts" that you can put into the destination:


So, to accomplish what you need the item could be:

From URL: /someurl?somedetail=somevalue
To URL: http://someotherurl{getfullquery}

About your second tip, it's a great suggestion, and I think it's easy to add another macro:

From URL: /someurl?somedetail=somevalue
To URL: {article ID}

Where ID is the article key number.

Thanks a lot,
Ultima modifica: 14 Anni, 9 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Re:Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names 14 Anni, 9 Mesi fa #1210

  • sepp2010
  • Offline
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  • Messaggi: 2
Excellent. Would you please make a 1.4 beta available for download or give access to a Config Management repository like SVN.

The macro approach seems very flexible and useful. This would even allow for plugins for your plugin where further macros are defined. You'd simply have
to allow for a function that can be overridden that takes the redirect information found and allows to further process it by some other code.
That way patching the ReDJ code would not be necessary any more.

The article by title macro would obviously be language dependent but I'd still prefer it better than article by id. It's a pitty that the only primary key available is a technical number within Joomla. This design decision is very technical and personally I prefere user centric design decisions.


articleById id
articleByTitle title
articleByAlias alias

would all be useful if you ask me

Keep up the good work!
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Re:Feature Request: URL Params / Article Names 14 Anni, 9 Mesi fa #1211

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
I agree,
but it takes time to configure a versioning and this is the first offer of help, so until now a CVS or SVN would be useless. Also, consider that ReDJ 1.4 will be the last version fot Joomla 1.5.

In the next Joomla 1.6 release (now available in beta) there is already a Redirection extension very similar to ReDJ (even in component plus plugin structure). So, for Joomla 1.6 I plan to write a ReDJ 2.0 from scratch, starting from Joomla native features. Maybe I will be able to configure a reporitory for developers then...

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