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Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files?
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ARGOMENTO: Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files?

Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files? 14 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #1436

  • gpullen
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  • Messaggi: 2

Im struggling to get this to work, if the source URL ends in .aspx

Any ideas?

www.hambledigital.co.uk/eeh/test.aspx will not redirect, where as
www.hambledigital.co.uk/eeh/test.php will redirect fine!!

I urgently need to finish developing this website to replace the existing aspx site, and ofcourse, I want the old links to be redirected!

All existing URLS are in this style:
/england-english/default.aspx and need to be redirected to a joomla SEF URL eg

If there is a workaround, such as /england-english/** please let me know!

Kind Regards
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Re: Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files? 14 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #1437

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Hi Gareth,
the problem is that the error page you receive with .aspx URLs is generated by Apache, and not by Joomla. Here is an example of a Joomla generated page:


So, for these cases there's no way for ReDJ to work, because the request doesn't arrive to Joomla at all.

You should check your Apache settings to solve this. A fast solution could be to add into .htaccess file this line at the end:

ErrorDocument 404 /

In this way you are telling to Apache to send errors 404 to Joomla.

Let me know if you need more help.

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Re: Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files? 14 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #1438

  • gpullen
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
Thanks Luigi,

Adding ErrorDocument 404 / to .htaccess did make the file come up with a 404 error but not make ReDJ kick in.

However, I then found a fix...

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.aspx|\.htm|\.feed|\.pdf|\.raw|/[^.]*)$ [NC]

I added .aspx into the line above in .htaccess, which seems to fix the issue!! Maybe this should be documented as a fix for people with same issue?

Thanks for your useful software, once I get paid for the site I will donate some money!

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Re: Problem getting ReDJ to work, with .aspx files? 14 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #1441

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
I'm happy to hear it works.

Remember that with a single ReDJ item you can redirect a lot of old URLs. So, please, take a look at ReDJ tutorial for some example (available in download section).

If you need help with redirect, let me know.

Enjoy ReDJ,
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