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How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string?
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ARGOMENTO: How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string?

How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string? 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1722

  • daajestaa
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  • Messaggi: 3

I have come up against a problem using ReDJ and I'm unsure how to solve it.

I have a site I rebuilt for a client. The old site was a static HTML site and the previous developer managed to create paths to pages and files that contained gaps in the URL. For example: www.sitename.com/gallery pages/stencil1_lg.htm. Note the gap in "gallery pages".

The old site had a great deal of images in a gallery that were created in this fashion (1 image = 1 HTML page) and Google Webmaster Tools is reporting all of these as 404 errors. The new site has an equivalent corresponding gallery so I want to create redirects. However I have discovered that the redirects fail when the "From URL" contains a gap such as in the example. If I remove the gap e.g. replace it with a caret, the redirect works but this is not good of course as the original URL had a gap.

How can I create functioning redirects when the original URL contains gaps in the string? Any help or advice would be appreciated. I am currently using the free version but am happy to upgrade to Pro if required.

Many thanks...
Ultima modifica: 13 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Re: How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string? 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1723

  • admin
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the community version should be enough. But I need a real url to make some test. If you prefer, send me aprivate mail at info(at)sistemistica.it.

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Ringraziano per il messaggio: daajestaa

Re: How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string? 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1724

  • daajestaa
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  • Messaggi: 3
Luigi kindly resolved my problem for me via email but in case anyone else comes up against this problem, here's the solution:

To correctly parse URL strings that contain gaps, you need to insert "%20" in place of the gap. So, in the example I gave in my previous post, the correct string would be:

I can verify that this works.

Thanks so much for the terrific help Luigi. Great product, even better support. I'm off now to leave a nice review on the JED....
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Re: How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string? 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1725

  • daajestaa
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Luigi very kindly solved my problem for me via email but in case anyone else comes up against this issue, here is the solution.

To have ReDJ correctly parse a URL that contains a gap, you need to add "%20" to the string. So, in the example I gave in my previous post, the correct string should be:

I have verified that this works.

Thanks so very much Luigi for helping me with this one. Good product, even better support. I'm off now to leave a nice review on the JED...
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Re: How do I redirect URLs with gaps in the string? 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1726

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Tanks for reporting here the solution.
I really appreciate it, recently I haven't so many time...

Enjoy ReDJ and thanks for review,
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