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Column 'referer_url' cannot be null
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ARGOMENTO: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null

Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1748

  • jon09
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  • Messaggi: 2
Hi! I have installed the ReDJ plugin and it's fantastic and everything's working. The only problem I have is when accessing certain address via search engine. For example, if I type this address directly (www.lescliniquesproderma.ca/fr/soins-offerts/traitement-des-pores-dilates.html), it's ok. But if I search for "les cliniques proderma" on www.google.ca, and click on the third link, it still goes to the same page, but now I have a strange error at the top of the page: No valid database connection Column 'referer_url' cannot be null SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_redj_referers` (`id`, `visited_url`, `referer_url`, `hits`, `last_visit`).......ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `hits` = `hits` + 1......The error seems to happen only when there is more than one redirect pointing to a page. Problems also seems to happen only with internet explorer or chrome. Thanks in advance
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Re: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1749

  • admin
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Hi and thanks for report.
I will test it on your site, and I'll fix. Please, give me some time to find a solution.

I'll let you know,
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Re: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1750

  • admin
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I have a question. In the first case the domain is:


While the link from the Google search is:


Are these the same site? Or are two different instances.

Also, the error is:

No valid database connection Column 'referer_url' cannot be null

I would check if there are problems with your ReDJ tables, so could you please send me a dump of jos_redj_referers and jos_redj_referers_urls?

You can send me an email at info(at)sistemistica.it if you prefer.

Best regards,
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Re: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1751

  • admin
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No matter, I got it.
The problem is with the field lenght, varchar(255), while in your case the lenght of the url is 282, so the last part was trunked. But, when I try to add the foreign key searching for the "exact" match, I don't find it, so this raise the error.

I'm working for the best solution to fix this in the next version. Meanwhile, the best way if you have MySQL 5.0.3 of newest, is to increment field size. So, you should alter tables as follow:

ALTER TABLE `jos_redj_referer_urls` CHANGE `referer_url` `referer_url` VARCHAR(330) DEFAULT '' NULL , CHANGE `domain` `domain` VARCHAR(330) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COMMENT 'The \"host\" part of the referer url';
ALTER TABLE `jos_redj_visited_urls` CHANGE `visited_url` `visited_url` VARCHAR(330) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;

The next version will include a better solution for this problem.

Thanks again for report and let me know if you need help to fix it.

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Ringraziano per il messaggio: jon09

Re: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1752

  • jon09
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  • Messaggi: 2
Yes they are both the same. I haven't redirect the .com to the .ca yet.

Thanks for your solution! That was amazing support.
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Re: Column 'referer_url' cannot be null 14 Anni, 2 Mesi fa #1753

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Thanks to you for using ReDJ.

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