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Using Path Trim Macro to Substitute Part of a URL
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ARGOMENTO: Using Path Trim Macro to Substitute Part of a URL

Using Path Trim Macro to Substitute Part of a URL 14 Anni fa #1841

  • cmb
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  • Messaggi: 13
I have read several messages in this forum about the path trimming macros but I can't get any arrangement to work for me. I want to substitute just a middle part of the URL with a corrected part.

The old URLs are of the form:
I would like to transform them to:

My From URL is:

The To URLs might take the form:
http://{siteurl}NewSectionName{pathltrim OldSectionName}

I have tried pathltrim, pathrtrim. I have put the NewSectionName before and after the pathxtrims. Sometimes the OldSectionName gets removed but there is no substitution. Most often the NewSectionName gets repeated until the redirect loop terminates.

Can you explain what the path trimming macros are supposed to do and how I get them to work in this substitution?

ReDJ Version 1.5.3 Community
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Re: Using Path Trim Macro to Substitute Part of a URL 14 Anni fa #1846

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Re: Using Path Trim Macro to Substitute Part of a URL 14 Anni fa #1850

  • cmb
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  • Messaggi: 13
I had read both of those before but the key to fixing the redirect loop is contained in the last message in the second thread. I removed the leading and trailing slashes in the From URL field while they are present in the To URL field. Now it works.
Thank you, Luigi.
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