Hi Luigi,
First sorry for the double posts, but i was a bit confused that I didnt see the thread after submitting. My mane is Marc (to easy communication).
I have put REDJ on third position
Le immagini di questo Forum sono invisibili ai visitatori. Prego accedi o registrati per visualizzarli.
Then I have created my first item;
Le immagini di questo Forum sono invisibili ai visitatori. Prego accedi o registrati per visualizzarli.
Problem is that unfortunately I still see the entire url (original one) on my website.
My desire is to have as short an URL as possible
www.site.com/Identifier or even (if possible) just
www.site.com no matter what page has been selected. I read carefully through your guide, but its just not so 100% clear to me. This is probably because i'm not so experienced in website modding as other users are. Joomla makes it very easy, actually so easy that people with my skill can generate customized websites. Thx for making tools like REDJ available!