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Dinamic links
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ARGOMENTO: Dinamic links

Dinamic links 13 Anni, 8 Mesi fa #2378

  • vilena
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 7

I have link: www.site.com/catalog/oldcategory/product
but I need: www.site.com/catalog/newcategory/product,

where product everytime are different items. I mean that I want to change only the name of category.

What can I do?
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Re: Dinamic links 13 Anni, 8 Mesi fa #2383

  • vilena
  • Offline
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 7

Is it possible to resolve my problem with macros?

The same question was 1 year ago, here: www.sistemistica.it/forum/11-redj-in-english/942-redirect-all-links-with-category-to-newcat.html
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Re: Dinamic links 13 Anni, 8 Mesi fa #2389

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Yes, it is possible now with dynamic destinations (macros in the destination url):


Let me know if you need help with settings.

Best regards,
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Re: Dinamic links 13 Anni, 8 Mesi fa #2394

  • vilena
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 7

I did this:

From: /catalog/для-дома/
To: http://{siteurl}/catalog/for_home/{pathltrim /catalog/для-дома/}{queryfull}

and the browser said that is wrong redirection that could never end.

May be it is because of russian category? (для-дома?)

What I want? I renamed all categories in catalog from russian to english and now I want to redirect all items from that category to a new one.
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Re: Dinamic links 13 Anni, 8 Mesi fa #2399

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
it's a loop. It means that you have one or more items configured in a way that redirections neve ends.

It's almost easy to check this, but I need all items. Please, send me a dump of ReDJ table at info(at)sistemistica.it.

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