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ReDj is crashing my system -- help !!! (again)
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ARGOMENTO: ReDj is crashing my system -- help !!! (again)

ReDj is crashing my system -- help !!! (again) 13 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #2469

  • kross76
  • Offline
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 5
Ok. I have pin-pointed an issue that seems to be causing me a big problem. It involves front-end login by a super-administrator (me). It should be easy to replicate by anyone using ReDj. If you cannot replicate it, please let me know as it must be an anomaly of my site.

1. I completely uninstalled ReDj -- then I re-installed it.

2. I did not put any URL redirections into the component. It is a "virgin".

3. I logged into the front end with a "normal", registered user. Site works fine.

4. I logged into the front end as a super-administrator. I get a URL 500 error.

5. I took my normal, registered user name and changed it to a super-administrator and logged into the front end. I get the URL 500 error. This same issue happens when I changed it to permit any back-end access. When I changed the user back to a normal, registered user, my front-end login works fine.

6. Note, I have no problems logging into the backend as a super administrator, and I can eliminiate the problem by un-publishing the plugin. The problem returns when I re-publish the plugin.
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Re: ReDj is crashing my system -- help !!! (again) 13 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #2496

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
it seems the problem could be related to a missing PHP library. You should check the error message in your web server error log.

If you can't get the error message, just try this. Open redj.php in the system plugin foled and find this function:

function sanitizeURL($url) {
//return utf8_encode(substr(utf8_decode($url), 0, VARCHAR_SIZE));
return mb_substr($url, 0, VARCHAR_SIZE, 'UTF-8');

So, de-comment the first line and comment the second:

function sanitizeURL($url) {
return utf8_encode(substr(utf8_decode($url), 0, VARCHAR_SIZE));
//return mb_substr($url, 0, VARCHAR_SIZE, 'UTF-8');

And check if problem persists...
Let me know,
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