Hi Alex,
the new ReDJ version doesn't include this "ERROR ONLY" feature yet. It's a porting from J15 to J16/17 were only two (important) features were added:
- The redirection rules can work on the entire URL, including protocol and domain;
- It can be specified for each redirect rule whether or not to first decode the URL.
About the upgrade, I don't know how the upgrade process works, but probably doesn't support ReDJ. Also, consider that this release in not compatible with the old one (even the tables structure was changed). What I could suggest is to uninstall ReDJ (component and plugin) from the backend, than you MUST ALSO manually delete all the ReDJ tables from the database. After this, you can install the new version.
I know that all previous configured items will be loosed. I'm planning to add an import/export feature to ReDJ (both for J15 and J16/17). But at the moment I have to finish Tag Meta migration first.
See you soon,