let's start from the last question. You are right and I'm working on a new site on different domain just dedicated to Joomla and Open Source services (in English, of course). And all Joomla extensions will be migrated there too.
About payment,
I accept only Paypal for subscription, but I would you suggest to try Community version before. Maybe you can do everything and do not need to buy Enterprise...
To redirect you URLs, just create these ReDJ items:
FROM: ^/modules.php\?name=Cisco_Decrypter$
TO: http://{siteurl}/general-topics-reviews/cisco-cracker.html
FROM: ^/tk-cisco-routers.php$
TO: http://{siteurl}/cisco-technical-knowledgebase/cisco-routers.html
FROM: ^/download-s01-ftp.php$
TO: http://{siteurl}/downloads/cat_view/123-ftp--tftp-servers-a-clients.html
Best regards,