Hi Peter,
a note about the anchor part. When I write this in the web browser:
The browser makes this request:
This is because the anchor part is something related to the browser, not to server. So the server can tell to your browser "jump to #en", but the browser don't need to tell this info to the server.
The response to this call is a 301 redirect:
This could include the anchor, but it doesn't. But the browser preserve the anchor part from the first call.
So, I suppose you need to create a redirect that include the anchor part (correct me if I'm wrong).
In the base site (
www.marchert.de) create an item as follow:
From URL: ^/software$
To URL: http://www.outlook-stuff.com/lang-de/download/32-formatnumbers.html
This should work. Let me know.
Best regards,