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index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page
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ARGOMENTO: index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page

index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page 13 Anni fa #3086

  • Ruggero
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
Hi There,

I'm trying to set up a (I thought) simple redirect. I'm migrating a website into Joomla, and its old url structure was index?id=123. I'm trying to set up permanent redirects to the Joomla site's equivalent pages.

I created the links like this:

From URL: /index.php?id=451
To URL: {scheme}://{siteurl}/destinations/south-africa
Redirect: 301 (Moved Permanently)
Case sensitive off
Request only on
Decode URL off

This just redirects me to a Joomla 404 Article not found page. I'm guessing that Joomla is trying to load the article with id=451 instead of letting ReDJ redirect the page first, although this is just a guess.

Any ideas on how to get around this?

Ultima modifica: 13 Anni fa Da Ruggero.
L'Argomento è stato bloccato.

Re: index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page 13 Anni fa #3087

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
you must escape the question mark in the rule (is a regular expression):

From URL: /index\.php\?id=451

After this, check the hits counter to understand if the rule matches.

Best regards,
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Re: index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page 13 Anni fa #3089

  • Ruggero
  • Offline
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
Sei un santo, Luigi!

You know I thought of that, but I forgot to escape the dot (punto)!

Works perfectly now.


Ultima modifica: 13 Anni fa Da Ruggero.
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Re: index.php?id=123 redirects to Joomla 404 page 13 Anni fa #3093

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
U're welcome,

P.S. Ma non sono un Santo
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