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About URL rewriting - code 200
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ARGOMENTO: About URL rewriting - code 200

About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3201

  • BA75
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  • Messaggi: 3
Hello Luigi,

first of all, thank you for this great component, I've tried a few ones before but yours is the best and runs very well.
I made some changes in my categories so that component is powerful for me.

I did not understand eveything when creating 301, I had to unpublish my parent categories 301 urls, because they didn't display their sub-categories anymore.
Example :
/category1 -> unpublished because "problem to be properly displayed"...
/sub-category1 -> ok, displayed and redirected
/sub-category2 -> ok, displayed and redirected
/sub-category1/page1 -> ok, displayed and redirected

I've a question for you, this concerns url-rewriting (activated in my Joomla). Google still displays "www.site.com/index.php?option=com_content......." after many months for a few urls (not the entire website).

Do you think that would be a good thing to create items with code 200 for these urls ? At least, it would show "understandable urls" for visitors.
By the way do you have an idea why 10% urls of my website are displayed with non-rewrited urls in Google ?...

Thank you, and have a good day.
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Re: About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3202

  • admin
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and thanks for using out extensions.

About your questions,
you don't need to unpublish subcategories, but if some items don't work maybe another item matches you url too, and has a lowest ordering. So, just check your rule's ordering or use regular expressions. I'm here to support about this problem.

About the second question, you could redirect any error to a single page (there's an option for this into plugin), this is you choise, but maybe is better to first redirect any old page to the new one (useful for visitors).

non-sef url are due to a Joomla problem (maybe the only one), duplicated URLs. Joomla allows any extension to have its routing mechanism, but every URL (sef and non-sef still work for Joomla), so when both of them are used, you will have duplicated URLs under Joomla WBT. This can be fixed in different ways (e.g. using canonical rel), but maybe the first thing to do is try to understand where are generated and remove the problem at origin...

Kind regads.
Ultima modifica: 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Ringraziano per il messaggio: BA75

Re: About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3209

  • BA75
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  • Messaggi: 3
Hello Luigi,

thank you very much for your answers and explanations.

Concerning my 1st question, I do not have enough technical knowledge to change anything I've built for now, and that seems to work quite properly. I close my eyes on two mistakes from time to time

Concerning duplicate content problems, I did not know this was a native problem of Joomla. I thought it was an error of mine. I use the version 1.5 for the concerned website, but I did not notice anything bad - for now - with websites running with 1.7 and 2.5.

I have maybe found a solution with a plugin that you can see here :
This is the main part of code of the file :
function plgContentExample( &$subject, $params )
parent::__construct( $subject, $params );
function onPrepareContent( &$article, &$params, $limitstart )
global $mainframe;
$alias1 = $article->id.'-';
$alias1.= $article->alias;
$articlecanonicalurl=JRoute::_( ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute( $alias1, $article->catslug, $article->sectionid));
$canonical= '<link rel="canonical" href="'.$articlecanonicalurl.'" />';
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();

You just have to publish the plugin, and then it runs. No parameters.

My question is ; is there a risk of potential conflict with your component ?

Thank you again for your work. Have a great day,
best regards.
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Re: About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3210

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
yeah I knew this plugin and is fully compatible with Tag Meta.

This is a great solution but works only for com_content. I'm working on a new macro that should work for any extensions... but it's hard!

kind regards
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Ringraziano per il messaggio: BA75

Re: About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3211

  • BA75
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  • Messaggi: 3
There's another extension here :

It takes into account the behaviors of :

but it requires to enter by hand each behavior for each url.

You know what ? I don't want to patch and patch again my website

Let us know when your solution is ready.
Good luck and congrats !
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Re: About URL rewriting - code 200 12 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #3212

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Thanks for this tip.

I'm working on this and I will let you know with a newsletter when new version will be released (few days).

Kind regards,
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