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relinking a bunch of hard links question
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ARGOMENTO: relinking a bunch of hard links question

relinking a bunch of hard links question 15 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #466

  • torstnl
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
Fisrt of al thanks for the create extension.
I got the following issue. And wondering if the ReDJ can help me with it.
I moving my site to another provider.
Was using the SEF of Joomla.
At the first provideri had to disable the mode_rewrite.
And at the new provider i have to enable it.
The got the problem that al the URL's are changing from
old URL:
to new URL:
Is there a way to let al the old urls working, with only creating one rule in ReDJ? Or do i have toe create for any link a rule in ReDJ.
Hoop there is a solution, cause there are a hoop links
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Re:relinking a bunch of hard links question 15 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #467

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Thanks to you for using ReDJ.
Yes, there is a simple solution for your problem, but you must use mod_rewrite for this, not ReDJ.

That's because for you needs, also destination URL is dinamic, while with ReDJ only source URL is dinamic (regexp). This can be an idea for the next release.

Going back to your problem, with Apache mod_rewrite you can set a rule that sistematically rewrite the original call dropping "index.php".

Something like this:

RewriteRule ^/index.php/?(.*) /$1 [L]

Ultima modifica: 15 Anni, 6 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Re:relinking a bunch of hard links question 15 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #469

  • torstnl
  • Offline
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 2
Thanks for the tip.
I wil try it and let you now if iets working.

Looking forward for a new relase.

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