RedJ interference with UDDEIM (1 Online) (1) Ospite
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This is a very nice add-on for Joomla and it works excellent, apart from one problem on my site: it seems to interfere with the automated check of UDDEIM for new messages.
Attached are three images: the first one is a screenshot with RedJ deactivated. The second one is with RedJ activated. The third one is a list of redirects that I have created. None seem to have any relation to the problem.
As you can see, the second one contains within a frame the contents of the frontpage. It is activated after about 4 seconds (which is the UDDEIM check messages delay).
Any idea or solution?
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Hi and thanks for using ReDJ.
Looking to your screenshots, I think the problem could be due to the way ReDJ works and can be solved easily.
First, disable ReDJ and reload the page. You should be able to get the URL of the widget's content that disappear when you enable ReDJ. If you get trouble, I can suggest how to trace all the requests in a web page.
I think that there's something in these widget box that matchs an expression in ReDJ, so is redirected while it should not.
Let me know you you need help with trobleshooting of your page.
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Hi Luigi,
first of all, sorry for posting 8 times the same stuff. My Italian is not realy that good (actually I do not understand a word of it) and it took me a while to understand that my posting was subject to a moderating action.
Anyway, the solution doesn't work. As you can see from attached files, I disabled (unpublished) all redirects, but the problem remains. As soon as I enablke the plugin, the problem appears.
Actually, UDDEIM even thinks there are new messages as it displays "Nieuwe berichten:"
Maybe changing the order of the plugin within the system plugins would help? Where would you suggest it would best be placed. Start or finish of the list?
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To disable ReDJ just unpublish the plugin,it's faster that disable any item one by one
You are right, plugin order matter and the answer to your question is "it depends on what ypu need". Usually is better to put ReDJ as first system plugin, because if current URL match with a redirect item, a redirect is the only things that should happen.
But in your case seems that ReDJ conflicts with UDDEIM, so let me test how these two components works together. Could you, please, tell me which module has the problem? Is "uddeIM Notifier Module"?
I will make you know the result as soon as possible.
Ultima modifica: 15 Anni, 11 Mesi fa Da admin.
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It is indeed the Notifier module. I use version 1.6 of UddeIM. In the meantime there is a new version (1.7). Noticed it yesterday while investigating the problem, but I haven't had the time to update the software.
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I installed version 1.7 and everything seems to works fine, but now I need to downgrade to 1.6.
Meanwhile try this troubleshooting steps and let me know:
1) Reload the trouble web page two times, first with ReDJ plugin enabled, than disable it. Remember to clear all the browser cache before reload. Also, be sure to disable Joomla cache in configuration. Try this to be sure that is ReDJ plugin that conflicts with UDDEIM.
2) Install HttpFox plugin in FireFox browser. That activate it, activate ReDJ plugin, clear FF cache and reload the page. Look for redirect (result 302) in the logged entries. Maybe ReDJ intervenes when UDDEIM refresh data (e.g. AJAX call).
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Fresh Boarder
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OK. Here are the points of the Belgian jury:
Cleared/disabled the cache, both on server and browsers (tried FF and Chrome). Problem remains the same.
Installed HTTPFox plug-in. However, there seems to be an interaction between the plug-in and the requests. With a cleared cache and for as long as HTTPFox is running, nothing happens. As soon as I stop HTTPFox, the problem reappears. Tried Firebug, but the only redirects I see are 301 (not 302).
Another weird thing: as you may have noticed, I disabled all entries in RedJ. But that does not help. As soon as the RedJ plug-in is enabled, the problem is there, even with all entries disabled. Disabling RedJ entirely (as a plug-in)removes the problem.
Thx for taking the time to try to solve this, because it is really a great plug-in.
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Sorry, I was wrong.
ReDJ 1.0 uses permanent redirect (301):
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
So, please, can you repeat the test and tell me which redirect do you see?
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Thanks for giving me access to your Joomla! backend. Now I've found the problem and a workaround. I'll try to explain.
On UDDEIM Notifier module you have enabled the option to check for new messages using AJAX. Every 5 seconds a call is made to the site:
Normally this URL returns just a zero (0) if there aren't new messages (or the number of new messages). But you have also sh404SEF active, so this call return a 301 redirect to:
And this is the call that doesn't work anymore if ReDJ plugin is activated (return the home page instead of just number zero).
I've commented out these three lines in your redj.php and everything works well again:
//$document = & JFactory::getDocument();
//$docType = $document->getType();
// Only mod site pages that are html docs (no admin, install, etc.)
if ( !$mainframe->isSite() ) return;
//if ( $docType != 'html' ) return;
ReDJ hooks the onAfterInitialise so the $document object doesn't yet exists, and when I call JFactory::getDocument() I'm the first to create a new one. I use the $document variable just to exit if the page is not an HTML page. Maybe the problem is that with this "refresh" call the document should not be created and ReDJ does it, maybe the solution is elsewhere (sh404SEF?), but I don't care. I want to mantain ReDJ as transparent as possible, so I prefer to disable this check as workaround. These changes wil be included in the next 1.1 release that manages also the error 404 pages. Maybe I'll find a clever way to check for page type.
Infinite thanks to you,
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