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Conflict with sh404sef?
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ARGOMENTO: Conflict with sh404sef?

Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1070

Hi there,
I have been trying to get Tag Meta to work, and read all the posts. It simply does not overwrite meta titles and descriptions. I have traced it down in the php code and found the following:

The code in tagmeta.php

if ( ($params->get('redirect', 0) == 1) && ( (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'])) ) ) {

} else {

$currenturi = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

... returns "/index.php" if I have REDIRECT active, and the full native URL if not.

As a result it will not find the URL in the database unless I revert to the native URLs.
What do I need to do so that $currenturi becomes the redirected url returned by sef404sef ?

Please advise me if I am off base here. It does not seem to matter if the plugin is sequenced before or after sef404sef in the pluging order.

Looking forward to seeing you comments...

Best regards
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1072

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I try to explain.

REQUEST_URI normally contains the current URL starting from "path". If an internale redirect happens (e.g. sh404SEF), Apache sets REDIRECT_URL, while IIS sets HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL.

For the second case, you have an option on Tag Meta plugin settings (REDIRECT mode).

But first I'd like to take a look at you Tag Meta items to sse how they are configured. Meanwhile, you can trace the code just adding a:


Just to check how they are set on your site.

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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1073

REDIRECT_URL returns /index.php
REQUEST_URI returns the entire long form of the URL, /index.php?option=com_content......

I am using Apache
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1074

Attached is the dump of my tagmeta entries I file di questo Forum sono invisibili ai visitatori. Prego accedi o registrati per visualizzarli.
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1075

  • admin
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so you need to use mode redirect.

About your items, you have the first one that override the second. This is because the first one that match the current URL is used.

In your case when you call:

The first item contains /contact-location/ and match so is applied.

To avoid this you can invert the order. Another way is to add a dollar at the end of the first item (it means "end with").

Let me know,
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1076

Thanks! I fixed the order and I have mode REDIRECT active in your plugin.

My problem remains, that the query always fails since the url is always "/index.php"

How can I get the SEO friendly (sh404sef) variant of the URL?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 15 Anni fa #1077

  • admin
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With Tag Meta plugin working in "Redirect mode" you should not have problems with sh404SEF.

Just put Tag Meta plugin as "the last one" of system plugin, and also rememder to clean sh404SEF cache, otherwise you could wait forever ...

If there are still problems, let me know, and I'll help you to fix. Just provide me a limited access to your test environement.

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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 14 Anni, 12 Mesi fa #1124

I have never been able to get this to work. However I have found that PATH_TRANSLATED returns the URL of the site after translation to SEO friendly urls.
I modified the code, but was wondering if you would help with that and confirm if this is what is needed. I can give you access to the site if you want to have a look at this.

Best regards
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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 14 Anni, 12 Mesi fa #1125

  • admin
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Many thanks for prodived information.

I'm investigating on the problem, and I'll let you know as soon as possible.

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Re:Conflict with sh404sef? 14 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #1145

Any news? Hope to see a resolution soon.

Best regards
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