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Install and Uninstall Problems
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ARGOMENTO: Install and Uninstall Problems

Install and Uninstall Problems 14 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #1368

  • deforeman
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  • Messaggi: 1
I have been unable to get Tag Meta installed correctly despite carefully following your installation guide.

The first time I Installed the component Joomla indicated that there was already an instance of Tag Meta present. Of course there could not have been.

Currently I cannot uninstall the plugin to get a clean re-install because of this error:

" Plugin Uninstall: Manifest File invalid or not found "

Things I've tried:

I have uninstalled Kunena Forum as that appears to have been a problem for others;

Manually viewed all the administrator files and deleted tag meta where it was found.

CURRENT STATUS: I've deleted the tag_meta.ini in
Directory: ../equitamedicaresupplement/administrator/language/en-GB/
REPEATEDLY using JoomlaXplorer and it continues to show as present.
How can this be as there is no indication in the Extension Manager that the tagmeta component or plugin is installed?

As it is now I can't install or Un-install Tag Meta.

Your help would be appreciated.

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Re: Install and Uninstall Problems 14 Anni, 6 Mesi fa #1369

  • admin
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  • Messaggi: 1603
Hi Dennis,
I'm sorry for this strange problem, and I want to give you all the support to solve it.

to uninstall Tag Meta plugin, follow these instructions:

In plugin\system delete tagmeta.php and tagmeta.xml files
In administrator\language\en-GB delete en-GB.plg_system_tagmeta.ini file
In administrator\language\it-IT delete it-IT.plg_system_tagmeta.ini file

Also, check the plugin list installed from Joomla backend. If "System - Tag Meta" is present, you need to delete this row from jos_plugins table.

At this point you could try to reinstall just the plugin. If you still have problem, I can do it for you (if you trust), just let me know.

Ultima modifica: 14 Anni, 6 Mesi fa Da admin.
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