I'm excited about this app! I'm hoping there's an answer that says that I won't need to enter all 2000 pages of my site into it.
I'm trying to use Tag Meta to apply meta information to specific subsections. So, for example:
However, I don't want it (obviously) to trickle down into the individual articles within that section. For example:
So I wrote a URI as follows:
Which, to my understanding means that the page should begin with /livegreen and end with go-green/ - which in my mind means that the individual articles (the metas for which are obviously assigned on the article pages) won't have their meta info overwritten.
But, of course, the individual articles then had their meta data overwritten.
I've temporarily disabled tag meta because I obviously can't have my individual articles with bad meta data, but please tell me it's just something in how I wrote the expression!