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csl lookup help
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ARGOMENTO: csl lookup help

csl lookup help 13 Anni, 12 Mesi fa #1987

i really want to use this plug in but im comfused with setting it up to work in jomsocial

if i put the following code into page list:

option=com_community, view=register, task=registerProfile; field11; field9

does this mean field11 should correspond with country field in jomsocial?

and how should i create a state field? as a dropdown?
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Re: csl lookup help 13 Anni, 12 Mesi fa #1988

  • admin
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field11 and field9 must be the html id of the select:

<select id="field9" ...

So, just create two fields of type select.

Best regards,
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Re: csl lookup help 13 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #2030

  • artnya
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How to add 3level for district?

after select state and city can automatic displaying distric

Sorry, bad English Language and php/js coding

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Re: csl lookup help 13 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #2033

  • admin
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this is not so easy to tell in a post. CSLookup is based on a javascript library that provides the list of states and country, so maybe you could start to see if is possible to modify this. Then you should change the plugin code consequently.

Best regards,
Ultima modifica: 13 Anni, 11 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Ringraziano per il messaggio: artnya

Re: csl lookup help 13 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #2118

  • artnya
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Thanks Luigi..

Can ask implementation exemplified the addition into a another select list again after the two select list field that you hack it?

Very thanks for your instruction.
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Re: csl lookup help 13 Anni, 11 Mesi fa #2120

  • admin
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I'm not sure I understand your request.

But if you would like an example on how to modify the Javascript to add a third field, I must say that the JS file is not developed by me. If you open the file, you should see the author name and site. I just use this into CSLookup.

Sorry but I'm not a good JS developer...

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