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REGION + CATEGORY 13 Anni, 10 Mesi fa #2140

  • moonguy
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Messaggi: 1
I like your product!!

I have a challenge...I have a site that could be treated as 3 REGION sites...but really ALL content is shared..

so I only want to change ADS based on REGION and BASED on CATEGORY

ENTER adAgency by iJOOMLA.. which when ZONEs are set up can place banner ads based on keywords...these keywords are normally only available to articles content.

By using TAG Meta..I want to load new keywords based on CATEGORY.. (I have 50)

so when I create a NEW CATEGORY BLOG layout...I will use TAG Meta to create "category" specific metatag keywords for the Category----Example: "kitchen"

That is when AdAgency will load a Kitchen Appropriate AD for that category--based on the metatag keywords from your program.
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Re: REGION + CATEGORY 13 Anni, 10 Mesi fa #2141

  • admin
  • Offline
  • Administrator
  • Messaggi: 1603
Thanks you for using Tag Meta.

I'm not sure I got you question. At the moment Tag Meta works when an item match the current URL. The matching is based on URL part, so if you are able to catch the category by URL, then you could use Tag Meta. Another problem could be if you need to set meta info dinamically. For this Tag Meta provide some macros, but I think you would like to have a specific macro for the extension you need.

This is not so difficult, but without more info I can't say more.

Let me know if you need more info.

Best regards,
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