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How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component
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ARGOMENTO: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component

How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #2668


I am using some custom components for my website. I have downloaded your package and its working fine.

However, is there any possibility of in Basic / Entrprise package to SET TITLE / Meta from any value already captured in Page.

e.g. I have Jobs and job_title is shown as heading of page however not as "Page Title". Can I do this with your package ? if yes, how.

I have gone thru tutorial but could not get any such info.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 5 Mesi fa #2670

  • admin
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but I don't understand your request.

With Tag Meta you can set the meta title as you want. Moreover, there are some macros that allow to auto generate some words (e.g. autokeywords) to insert into meta tags.

So, how you would like to set the meta "title"? Could you, please, send me a real example? I checked Jobs, but is not clickable.

Best regards,
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Re: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 4 Mesi fa #2672

Thanks for prompt reply.... my fault...I will explain with link...


If you click above link and go to "View Source"....You will find

<title>Top CA Firms</title>

<meta name="description" content="Search Top CA firms of India, Chartered Accountant, India CA, CA India, Chartered Accountant Firm, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Jaipur, Chartered Accountant, India CA, CA India" />

Both are coming from Default Joomla Configuration.

I can change exiting title & meta to "New Static Title & Meta" thru your component by putting "tpjobs/detailjob".

However, my requirement is that Page Title & Meta shhould be based on variable i.e. Job_Title....which is "Required a Staff Accountant" in this case. Depending upon job id no. (78 in this case) title & meta should be changed.

As you explained, this functionality is not there in your component...can u please guide me how to do this....I am a non-technical person.

Thanks in advance
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Re: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 4 Mesi fa #2673

  • admin
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but your request is clear and to do this a technical person is required to add this feature. So, how can I guide you if you are non-technical?

At least you should add a new macro to lookup data into database or in the page content (e.g. h3 tag) but this requires programming skills. So, I can't find a simplest solution for you.
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Re: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 4 Mesi fa #2681

Thanks for your kind reply....

Though, I am non-technical but I have been playing with codes for quite some time...please explain me how to do this thru your component.

Kindly bear with me and explain in little bit details...I promis I will not bother you much... I am deadly in need of this solution...

As you mentioned...h3 tag will have to be used...kindly explain..thanks
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Re: How to Set Title & Meta from Custom Component 13 Anni, 4 Mesi fa #2684

  • admin
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brief tutorial "here's how I would do".

Look at redj.php file in system\plugin folder. This do the job. Look at section were macros are defined, and add a new macro let me say {getfirsth3}.

Now search the point were macro are "replaced", and add a call to a new function that returns the first <h3></h3> in the content. You could also use a simple regular expression to do this.

That's all. This should work for you.

Sorry but more accurate than this, I would first to do by myself ...
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