I have installed and activated tag meta, but no meta tags nor page titles are shown.
Before I decided to try Tag Meta, I had filled meta descriptions, titles and keywords for almost every article, but none of my pages showed any of them. Same issue is there with plugin Tag meta. Can You please help me?
My hair is turning gray.. Can anyone give me a step-by-step guide to get meta information working?
At the moment only way to get meta tags in to my pages is to write them in to my template html-code, which means that all the pages have the same title and meta tags.
I believe I have read all the relevant forum posts, but all the solutions provided here have not helped me.
I am using Joomla! ver 1.5.10 and installed TagMeta 1.1
My site is healthilife.sanata.ee. It is currently not available in English.
thanks in advance