Having installed both the component and plugin, setting up the plugin parameters and performing just one meta rewrite, I receive the following error when I click on the items page(/administrator/index.php?option=com_tagmeta):
PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$catid in E:\Inetpub\new_wwwroot\joomla\administrator\components\com_tagmeta\views\tagmeta\tmpl\default.php on line 165
PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$catid in E:\Inetpub\new_wwwroot\joomla\administrator\components\com_tagmeta\views\tagmeta\tmpl\default.php on line 166
Obviously this means I can't access the interface and add and more URLs. Looking at the code, it's obviously got something to do with pagination. These are lines 165 and 166 respectively:
<span><?php echo $this->pagination->orderUpIcon( $i, ($row->catid == @$this->items[$i-1]->catid),'orderup', 'Move Up', $ordering ); ?></span>
<span><?php echo $this->pagination->orderDownIcon( $i, $n, ($row->catid == @$this->items[$i+1]->catid), 'orderdown', 'Move Down', $ordering ); ?></span>