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ARGOMENTO: "currently being edited by another administrator"

"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #783

Thanks for the great extension.
Soon after starting to use the extension my SEO guy started to get these massages (in the subject). There are 5 pages that create this problem.
I saw that there were previuse communication on the subject. Did you create a patch to solve this problem? How should I solve it?

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #784

  • admin
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Try to unlock items using "Global check" options.

If the problem persists, please, send me dump of ReDJ table, because I'm figuring out the problem (an old table structure).

Let me know,
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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #785

The unlock did not work.
I was getting to the DB using PhpMyAdmin and I can't find table called ReDJ.

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #786

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If you have installed ReDJ component, there must be a jos_redj table.

If not, there's something wrong.

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #787

I did not install the ReDj comp, I was installing the Tag Meta..
Should I install ReDj to make the TagMeta working?

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #788

Hi Luigi,
I was checking again and I cant see jos_redj.
I did download the file TagMeta1.2_unzipmefirst and installed the to ziped file inside.
I looked at your site and could not find if I need to install the redj first.

What next?
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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #789

I did install the redj now I have the tables.
It still does not work.
Should I re-install tag meta?

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #791

  • admin
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Just a moment,
ReDJ and Tag Meta are different Joomla extensions.

The first one does custom URL redirections, the second one allows to set meta tags on certain pages, based on URL.

Each extension inside the "unzipme" file has a component that allows to manage items, and a plugin that do the job. You need to install both.

So, first thing, tell me what you need to do.

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #793

I did install tag meta (both files) and I did not have the jos_redj.

I need to make the tag Meta work. I am getting the above error when ever I am trying to edit the meta tags for pages.

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Re:"currently being edited by another administrator" 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #794

  • admin
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first, I moved this topic under the right forum (Tag Meta).

So, you should install Tag Meta component, install Tag Meta plugin, and activate the plugin. Create an item and check if it works. If you already have done these steps, now please send me a dump of jos_tagmeta table (previously I asked you a wrong table because I thought we were talking on ReDJ, sorry).

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