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Can't get started
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ARGOMENTO: Can't get started

Can't get started 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #853

  • rolevine
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I've read all the tips and forum posts and still don't see any changes to my meta tags in my pages (www.danasrentals.com). I'm not feeling so intelligent today (but then again this is the first time I've ever dealt with SEO).

I've followed the basic steps of installing, enabling the plugin, setting the plugin params, adding a URI and then even clearing my browser cache, yet the page source is always only the information in the Joomla Global Configuration Metadata settings.

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Any help?

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Re:Can't get started 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #861

  • admin
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Hi Rob,
all seems to be correct. Just a question related regular expressions.

In your item you set the URI as follow:


That means "starts with /index.php, has zero or more / and then ends".

Are you sure this is what you need? Be aware that a star here is different from, as example, shell expansion:

a* Match any sequence of zero or more a characters.

Let me know,
Ultima modifica: 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Da admin.
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Re:Can't get started 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #865

  • rolevine
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Hi Luigi,

It's a very simple site and all I was trying to accomplish was that every page in the site map gets the same meta tags. Since it's a simple Joomla site I am making the assumption that every URL starts with index.php.....

So that was my goal. I got the regular expression from a previous forum post so maybe I grabbed the wrong one.

But unfortunately it's all rather moot if I can't figure out the ultimate problem of why I can't get any tags other than what is in the Joomla Site Config. I download a plugin similar to yours and was able to override the site configuration, but it isn't as flexible and advanced as your tool is so I'd rather use yours.

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Re:Can't get started 15 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #868

  • admin
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No problem.
Anyway, to accomplish what you need, just remove the dollar at the end.

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